How to view BhuNaksha CG, Khasra Map Chhattisgarh ❤️2023

Bhu Naksha CG | Khasra Report | Chhattisgarh village land map online | How to check the land ownership information and how to find the plot size and other important information.

If you are looking for land map-related information in Chhattisgarh then you have visited the right place. Check all the latest details about how to view and download the village land map in the Chhattisgarh state.

In this article, you will find all information and steps to view any plot map online. So please stay with us and read this article completely so that you will get the latest procedure to view the land map along with other important details.

What is Bhu Naksha Chhattisgarh portal?

Bhu Naksha Chhattisgarh is an online portal developed by the National Informatics Center to provide a digitized online map of the plot of all villages in the state. With the help of this online portal, all citizens can find the land owner information, Land area, and Khasra report of any plot.

There are many instances where people want to check the real owner of any land. For example, if you want to invest in any property then you definitely want to make sure who owns that land legally or if there is any legal issue with that land.

Chhattisgarh Bhu Naksha solves all problems by providing all important information about the legitimacy of the land which will help you to take a good decision related to purchasing any property in the state.


Portal nameBhu Naksha Chhattisgarh
Type of portalCadastral map solution
Developed byNIC Chhattisgarh
BeneficiaryAll citizens of Chhattisgarh state
PurposeTo provide all plot info to everyone
Launch date18-Oct-2019

Also check,

What information are available on the

People can find the below-mentioned information with the help of this portal. Bhu Naksha CG is the land record portal developed by the Chhattisgarh state government of India.

This portal provides a lot of information related to land ownership, plot size, and other important information.

People can find the below information:

  • Landowner Information
    People can find the land owner’s information such as the owner’s name, father’s name, etc which clearly states who is the legal owner of the land. Father’s name is also another factor that plays a vital role in identifying ownership.
  • Khasra number:
    Khasra number (Measles No.) is a unique identifier that is assigned to every plot. It is used to provide the land location and boundaries, etc information about the land.
  • Plot size:
    Plot size and total area of the land people are searching for will be available to people searching for information about any land. The land area is measured in hectares on the portal and people can easily get an idea about the area.
  • Irrigated area:
    People can find information about the area that is used for irrigation purposes in Chhattisgarh. It includes all types of irrigation such as through canals, wells, or tube wells.
  • Non-irrigated area:
    Some areas are not used for irrigation purposes. This information is also available online on the Bhunaksha Chhattisgarh portal.

If someone is going to purchase any property in Chhattisgarh then this information is very important for any potential buyer to verify the land and avoid any illegal transaction, dispute, or fraudulent activity.

How to view a land map in Chattisgarh state?

If you want to check the plot information in Chhattisgarh state then you can use this portal to view all important information associated with any plot.

You can view the land map with the help of the below steps.

  1. Open The Official Website
  2. Select Your Village
  3. Click The Plot Number
  4. Check The Plot Info
  5. Check Khasra Details

Please check the full step-by-step process given below.

1. Open The Official Website

First of all, you will have to open the official website to view any map. For that, you may click the to open the official portal in a new window.

You will see a search form on the left side of the home page.

2. Select Your Village

Now you will have to select your village from the options available on the left side of the home page. Select your District, Tehsil, RI, and Village.

aamajhola village land map Chhattisgarh

After selecting your village you will see a village map on the right side of the page (as shown above).

3. Click The Plot Number

As you can see that there are many plots available on this village map. Now you can click the plot number for which you want to check all information.

aamajhola village plot no 28 details

4. Check The Plot Info

You can check plot info by clicking on any plot number on the map. As you can see in the above map image, we have clicked map no 28 and all information is available on the left side.

Now you can easily view the below-mentioned information.

  • Owner Name
  • Khasra number
  • Father’s name,
  • Land area, etc

Note: All the information related to any land available on this portal are just for informational purpose. You can not use this information for any legal purpose.

5. Check Khasra Details

You will see a Khasra detail link on the left side. If you click on this link then you will be redirected to the Chhattisgarh land records – Bhuiyan portal where you can find the Khasra details of any land.

On this page select your district, Tehsil, or village. After that enter the Khasra number in the given space and click the search button. All the information will be available on your device screen.

How do login on to the Bhu Naksha Chhattisgarh portal?

There is a login option on the top right side of the portal which is available only for department officials. Chhattisgarh government officials can log in to the portal and access various services to update the records. Please login with the help of the below steps.

  1. Visit the official website
  2. Click the Login link at the top right side or alternatively visit the direct login link
  3. Select the District and Tehsil and enter your User ID and Password.
  4. Press the Login button to access your account.

If you want to reset your password, you must do it through your ROR Application.

How to view the Khasra report on the Bhuiya portal?

Bhuiyan is the land record (Bhu Abhilekh) web portal of Chhattisgarh state in India that provides land-related information and services to people such as Khasra details, land ownership transfer, B1 P2, PMFBY (Pradhanmantri Fasal Bima Yojana) information, etc.

You can easily check the Khasra report with the help of the below steps.

  1. Visit the Chhattisgarh Bhuiyan portal
  2. On the homepage, click the “खसरा विवरण (Measles Details)” link under the “भूमि सम्बंधित जानकारी” menu item.
  3. You will be redirected to the Khasra details page of the Chhattisgarh revenue department website.
  4. You can also visit the direct page at
  5. On this page, select your जिला (District), तहसील (Tehsil), and ग्राम कोड (Village Code).
  6. You will get the option to search by Khasra number or name.
  7. Enter the Khasra number or name if you don’t know the khasra number.
  8. After the search, you will find all details related to the Khasra number.
  9. You can also find Digitally Signed Khatauni B1, Khasra-PII PDF report.

Bhu Naksha information plays an important part in making a buying decision and making transactions for land. It also prevents any unauthorized illegal transactions in the state which helps prevent fraudulent activities carried out by Bhu Mafia in the past. People can easily verify the actual ownership and safely buy land.

I hope this article helps you to find that land-related information whatever you are looking for. Please share if you really find it helpful.

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